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Anime Characters Protector Android Blob Red Suit Figurine Toy Gullom

Anime Characters Protector Android Blob Red Suit Figurine Toy Gullom

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This article is about the film. For the manga, see Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (manga).

Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
ミュウと波導の勇者 ルカリオ Mew and the Moving ridge Hero: Lucario

M08 English poster.png

Japan July 16, 2005
The states September 19, 2006*
Dwelling video
Japan December 22, 2005
United States September 19, 2006
English themes
Opening Unbeatable
Catastrophe We Will Meet Again
Japanese themes
Opening バトルフロンティア (映画バージョン)
Ending はじまりのうた
United states of america Unrated
Cracking Britain U
Ireland ?
Canada Unrated
Quebec G
Japan PG-12
Federal republic of germany ?
Australia G
New Zealand Thou

Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (Japanese: 劇場版ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション ミュウと波導勇者 ルカリオ Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation the Flick - Mew and the Wave Hero: Lucario; officially known as Mew and the Wave Hero in Japan) is the third Pokémon the Series: Cherry and Sapphire movie, and the eighth Pokémon movie overall. Premiering in Japan on July 16, 2005, it introduced four new Generation 4 Pokémon: Lucario, Bonsly, Mime Jr., and Weavile. Regice, Regirock, and Registeel also appear.

This movie was the final product to be released past 4Kids Entertainment, though it was actually completed before Pasta La Vista! .

Other posters and DVD covers


Hundreds of years agone, Camaron Palace and its people were saved by the noble sacrifice of Sir Aaron, an Aura Knight. From that day forward the people have ever honored his deeds with an annual festival. Of course, Ash isn't really much of a history buff—he's more interested in the Pokémon competition being held! Merely when he wins and is asked to don the formalism role of Aura Guardian does Aaron's importance go clear—particularly when Lucario emerges from Aaron's staff! Aaron isn't a hero to this long-dormant Pokémon—all Lucario remembers is the primary that betrayed it!

Left out of the battle all those hundreds of years before, Lucario is asked to be a hero over again—Mew has shown up and whisked Pikachu and Meowth abroad to the Tree of Life, and only Lucario can lead the way! Can Lucario put aside its distrust of humans long enough to reunite Ash with his best friend?


Lucario jumps from boulder to boulder to a spot overseeing a broad expansive valley. Lucario senses something and uses its Aura to see the entire landscape. Lucario lets his sight travel about, going over more rocks and hills until he sees a large formation of a gigantic, cerise-armored Pokémon army, mixed with human human foot soldiers, that is charging towards the eye of the valley. He looks to the other side of the valley and sees an equally gigantic, greenish-armored army, with equally powerful Pokémon of unlike species charging to the same destination.

As Lucario is comprehending the danger of the event, three Houndoom from the red ground forces arrive at the scene, which Lucario evades and leaps away. He heads to a crystal formation on the ground, touching information technology, and and so speaks through the crystal to his master, Sir Aaron, an Aureola Guardian, who is at Cameran Palace. Aaron stands upon a balcony with Queen Rin that overlooks the entire land, and he hears Lucario's phonation coming from some other crystal formation on the balcony. It seems the palace is in imminent danger of being overrun; peace cannot be brought to the two warring sides.

The three Houndoom observe Lucario and proceed to attack him. After beingness cornered, he is left no option and fights back. Using his Aura to sense his surroundings (due to getting clay in its eyes), he manages to defeat his pursuers.

Knowing that Aaron must leave, Rin explains she is obliged as queen to share the same fate as the castle. Afterward their last substitution of words, Aaron hops a ride on his Pidgeot to the valley. Aaron tells Lucario that he has abandoned the palace and the Queen and will non be returning. Lucario cannot believe what he is hearing and implores him to wait, but Aaron throws downwards his scepter, which absorbs Lucario into a jewel at its meridian; from inside the precious stone, Lucario can run into Aaron going off and feels betrayed past his master.

Rin observes from distant that the Tree of Kickoff is suffering from the disharmonize. The two armies disharmonism in the middle of the valley. Outside of the tree, Pidgeot flies away lone. With this, Ho-Oh returns to the Tree of the Start, revealing itself to be Mew.

Pidgeot approaches Rin with the scepter in its bill, which she takes. Suddenly, Rin witnesses the sight of the tree starting to glow dark-green, and before long every crystal germination throughout the land emits a beam of greenish lite. As the light spreads further out, the armies end their boxing, in awe of the event that is taking identify.

Hundreds of years afterward, a mother reads the story to her daughter. According to fable, Queen Rin believed Aaron to be the hero who had used the ability of the Tree of Beginning, where Mew is said to live. The two armies stopped their fighting, their hatred replaced with understanding, and returned to their lands, and peace was restored. Aaron became known equally the Truthful Guardian of Aura, without whom peace would have not been restored. To this day, the legend is commemorated every year in the boondocks of Rota and the same Cameran Palace.

Ash, May, Brock and Max happened to come up to the town during this time, and decided to participate in a tournament to decide who will be the "Hero of the Year." Ash and company walk along a span to Cameran Palace. They are dressed in their regular clothes while the townsfolk are in renaissance outfits. Meanwhile, a Taillow overhead lands on a window of the Palace, turning into a Pichu. In another room, Ash and visitor find a costume closet and decide to dress more than appropriately. They later bustle to the tournament that is about to begin.

Before the tournament begins, Queen Ilene, the ruler of the palace along with her maid Jenny and her Pokémon Mime Jr., steps out to the royal box seat to officially begin the tournament. Ash and Pikachu eventually win and Ash becomes the "Hero of the Year".

Ash then walks up to meet his opponent from the finals and is surprised to discover the Trainer is a daughter. She introduces herself as Kidd Summers. Ilene so announces that in that location will be a ball and banquet in honor of the new "Guardian of the Aura". Ash is presented to sit on a throne that overlooks the ballroom. Ilene presents Ash with Aaron'southward scepter. He of a sudden hears a vocalisation from the precious stone crying "Why?". A confused Ash asks if anyone else heard it, merely nobody did. Shrugging information technology off, the ball soon begins.

With the new company, Mew (in the course of an Aipom) takes the Pokémon posse most through the castle. Meowth, who is helping himself to some food underneath the table, hears them and decides to follow them simply is unable to. Mew directs the Pokémon to the cranium straight to a higher place the ballroom chandelier and shows the Pokémon a few toys, which the group begins to play with. After a bit, Mew transforms from Aipom into Pikachu and begins dancing with Ash's Pikachu.

Kidd slips abroad from the ball in the aforementioned direction the Pokémon went off to. She quickly slips out of her costume, sporting a pink-purplish wetsuit-like outfit. She makes her way outside from the window, Meowth noticing and follows. She climbs up to the rooftop before shooting a grappling rod to a tower across the castle grounds. She jumps off from one roof to the next. Meowth merely goes so far, earlier he slips downward the sloped rooftop. His tail grabs a concord of a decorative steeple rod, merely he ends up swinging downwards and crashing into a window, catastrophe up in the attic where the other Pokémon are located.

Ash sits upon the throne, a bit bored. He asks if he could get some nutrient simply Jenny keeps him down on the throne, telling him to act similar the hero, Sir Aaron. Max notices their Pokémon are missing until he spots Munchlax nabbing a plate of fruit and going back upstairs with it; Max follows Munchlax to the top.

Kidd manages to get to a good vantage point on the roof where she can meet through the broken glass Meowth made. She sees Mew and and so puts on a pair of special glasses and begins reporting data to her boss, Banks.

In the cranium, Mew takes on its original form, looking at Meowth to see if he is alright. Taking this chance, Kidd sends out two Weavile and orders them to place a tracking device on Mew. Both of them jump into the cleaved window and brainstorm a swift attack at Mew. Mew dodges their assaults easily. In an attempt to stop Mew, both of them utilize Blizzard just as Mew flies towards the door. At the same moment, Munchlax comes into the room and finds itself frozen in a block of ice. The door also freezes at its hinges and cracks.

Mew is presently held down though, and just when one of the Weavile is almost to attach the tracker on Mew, Pikachu shocks the Pokémon with a Thunderbolt. Mew escapes, merely the Weavile attempt another Blizzard attack. Both Meowth and Pikachu dodge, the set on hits the other Pokémon, freezing them. Kidd notices this and figures that the programme did not get equally well equally expected. Mew and then flies over towards Meowth who is at a corner and transforms into a Meowth. Mew switches itself and Meowth around to misfile the Weavile, but Meowth speaks and ruins the programme. Soon, the Weavile used their Ice Beam together to make it stronger, which sends Pikachu flight into Meowth's arms. Meanwhile, Max arrives and finds the door hard to open.

With Pikachu unconscious and the other Pokémon frozen, both Mew and Meowth are on their own. Mew transforms back to its original self. Max finally gets the door open, but only a scissure as he watches what goes on. Mew presently teleports before the Weavile tin do anything else. The iii teleport to one of the belfry'southward steeples, and then Mew transforms into a Pidgeot and flies off, towards the Tree of First.

Dorsum at the ball, Jenny tells Ash to stand up and copy the hero's pose every bit shown on the Sir Aaron affiche. Once once again Ash hears a vocalisation from the jewel. The jewel before long glows, releasing Lucario from it. Lucario, still blinded from the Houndoom'southward attack during the peachy boxing, is using Aureola to see and mistakes Ash's class with Aaron's due to their similar Aureola.

Lucario kneels earlier Ash before realizing he isn't Aaron. Lucario becomes dislocated at what is going on, seeing the many people. Lucario soon escapes through the oversupply of people, running around through the castle. He sees that information technology has changed, and memories of him and Aaron shortly start replaying in his mind equally he walks about.

Lucario stops at a brandish room, which he remembers to be a bedroom. Ash, May, Brock, Ilene, and Jenny confront Lucario in the room. Looking at Ilene, Lucario mistakes her for Rin and is glad to see her. Ilene says to Lucario that she is the descendant of Rin, the Queen who was reigning at the castle during his fourth dimension. She goes on to explain that the memories that seem to him like yesterday, are aboriginal events.

At the Tree of Start, Mew looks later Pikachu, who is resting in a bed of leaves. Meowth seems to empathize what Mew is upward to, seeing a big pile of toys that it has gathered. Pikachu soon recovers.

Back at the throne room, Ilene explains to Ash and company, with Squad Rocket eavesdropping, the story of Aaron and Lucario. Just then, Max runs into the room, exclaiming he but saw Mew getting attacked, and it took Pikachu and Meowth somewhere. Kidd comes out of the same door, confirming what Max saw. She besides says that she saw Mew transform into a Pidgeot and accept them abroad to the Tree of Beginning. Ilene takes them out to the balcony overlooking the country and shows them the tree, explaining that the tree is actually a unique rock formation, and supposedly possesses healing powers across imagination. It tin can revive the world and soothe angry hearts, although it requires Mew. Ash decides the just way to get Pikachu back is to go over there himself. At Ilene's asking, Lucario agrees to back-trail the group in their quest. Jessie and James decide to tag along to call up Meowth.

Kidd says that she wants to become besides. Brock reveals Kidd has been on a lot of major adventure fronts, including deep-sea diving in a sub and space travel. Brock goes crazy about how much he wanted to meet her (with Mime Jr. impersonating vividly) and how it has been an award. Kidd says that she is here for the risk, and she has a Humvee that will go them there in no time. The adjacent day, Kidd takes Ash and company towards the Tree of Get-go, Lucario running up ahead while Ilene and Jenny stay backside at Cameran Castle. Jessie and James stow away in the trunk.

Pikachu, after waking up, sees that it is with Mew and Meowth. Mew is excited that Pikachu is awake and well, playing around with it for a moment. Meowth falls into a hole concealed in a branch stump. Pikachu goes up and pokes his head in along with Mew. They see a long vertical tunnel with greenish bubbling coming up. Mew hops onto a bubble, followed past Pikachu. At another branch stump upwards higher, the 3 Pokémon come out. They walk upwardly to the edge of the land, seeing the magnificent landscape below them.

The crew takes a suspension for lunch. Lucario finds some Berries while he sits upon a bedrock. As Brock passes out the plates to everyone a Bonsly takes one of them before he can get to it. Brock finds Bonsly beneath eating lunch. Brock scolds it but this simply makes information technology cry. May and Ash think Brock was as well harsh, just Max points out that Bonsly is merely using Fake Tears, and the Bonsly runs away with the food. Lucario picks up the plate, offer Bonsly a Berry instead. The Bonsly runs off backside a stone, peeking behind information technology in one case in a while.

They continue to travel down to the Tree of Outset, but they terminate once more. This time, the road is littered with geysers that are erupting and and so May notices something off to the side, a hot spring! They decide to terminate until the eruptions subside and take a dip. Ash, Brock, Max, and their Pokémon (except Phanpy) have a swim in the hot spring.

When May comes out of the Humvee from dressing, Bonsly drops upon her head from the roof who took a ride with them, and then May decides to take it along. She tries to take Bonsly into the water, but the small Pokémon jumps out and hides behind Phanpy. Max explains that Bonsly doesn't similar water because it is a Rock Pokémon. Lucario sits upon a rock, remembering the time when Aaron took him here. The memory is interrupted when Ash told Lucario to jump in, but Lucario only walks off, Ash a bit annoyed by his cold mental attitude. May notices a foreign-looking plant sitting high up on the rocks, and Ash volunteers to get it. As shortly every bit he grabs it though, he slips and falls off. May catches the establish, which looks like a crystallized pod. Seeing as how it is a flower, they decided to plant it. Simply before they exercise, the pod suddenly blooms and a holographic vision fills the area, replaying how Ash fell down the cliff as he was getting the plant. Kidd identifies it as a Time Flower, explaining that information technology records events in the area at the time it was planted and then it tin can replay the scene at a afterwards fourth dimension when activated past Aura.

Night falls and they decide to army camp for the night. Ash tells anybody the story of how he and Pikachu became partners and best friends while saving it from a flock of Spearow during the lightning storm. Lucario all of a sudden walks away in disgust, and when confronted by Ash, Lucario tells him of his conventionalities that humans and Pokémon could never be friends. Ash gets very aroused at this and asks Lucario why they should believe everything he says almost Sir Aaron anyhow. Lucario asks Ash how does he know Pikachu was kidnapped, suggesting that maybe it just wanted to become away from a weak Trainer. This pushes Ash over the border and he tackles Lucario, both rolling downwards a ledge to a swimming. The ii thrash about in the pond, the others coming to attempt to stop the two from fighting. Lucario finally throws Ash out to the shore, jumping off to the top of the ledge and walking off.

Lucario finds a tree to lean upon, recalling another memory of how Aaron trained him to principal his Aura. Merely then, Max comes up and gives a bar of chocolate to Lucario who, after some hesitation, decides to try it.

Later that night, Mew and Pikachu play about while Meowth sleeps. Pikachu smiles a flake, only information technology however cannot help the feeling of being separated from Ash. He puts downwards one of Mew's toys and looks out towards the horizon. Every bit he says "Pikachu" out loud, Ash wakes upwards from his slumber and gets out of the Humvee the crew was sleeping in. He walks by, non noticing Lucario, who himself observes Ash looking towards the Tree of Beginning and saying Pikachu's name out loud.

The next day, they travel downwardly the path, shortly coming up to a stop. Lucario stands looking upward at a cliff, the others wondering what is going on. Lucario tells them this was the spot that Aaron sealed Lucario in his scepter. He touches a Time Flower by accident and soon it replays the same scene when Lucario met upwardly with Aaron, where Aaron renounced his loyalty to the Queen, threw his scepter down, and sealed Lucario in the jewel. Then they lookout man Aaron wing off. Suddenly, from the two pathways on the road, the dark-green army charges through the small-scale pathway. Lucario appears horrified and begins throwing Aureola Spheres at them, barely missing Ash in the process. Ash tells Lucario to stop considering they are only illusions; Lucario does stop, shocked to have seen that event happen. Ash comes upwardly to him, apologizing for his earlier words against him. Lucario accepts the apology and makes Ash promise to never abandon Pikachu.

As they walk back to the Humvee, Lucario senses something. At the last 2d, he pushes himself and Ash out of the way just as a Regirock digs its style from the ground. It begins using Hyper Beam upon the "intruders". Lucario covers for them and keeps Regirock occupied before escaping into the cleft. Along the way, Lucario tells them to make a plough at a tunnel. They follow the tunnel, and by now it seems equally if they take lost Regirock. At the terminate of the tunnel, they come to a big cave of ancient Pokémon.

At present having made information technology into the Tree, the simply way to get to Pikachu is by going up. Ash goes on ahead to another tunnel, followed by Lucario. Kidd takes out her specs, relaying information back to the company. Banks tells here that the tree is designed with many tunnels that form a network, similar claret vessels. Kidd deploys out pocket-sized helicopter gadgets to gather information nearly the Tree, then follows Ash.

The probes that Kidd deployed to attempt to take samples of the crystal that lie in that location. Even so, a red blob engulfs and eats them. Kidd gets a warning that the probes are rapidly being destroyed, and that some sort of allowed system in the Tree has been activated, which seeks out and destroys intruders. A Registeel becomes aware of the intruders and begins to hunt them likewise.

At the terminate of the next tunnel, Ash finds himself outside, upon 1 of the "leaves" of the Tree. Ash calls out to Pikachu, who hears him and calls back. Every bit things seem to turn for the meliorate, a Regice stands in front of Ash's path and begins firing a avalanche of Ice Beams. Lucario battles it while Ash gets away. He retreats to the tunnel, telling the others they must notice another way because Regice is up ahead. Lucario throws an Aura Sphere at it to stun it long enough to get away.

They go on through some other tunnel, finding themselves at the cliff of a large hollow cavern a good ways above the ground. Blue crystal pillars stick out from wall to wall. Deciding where to get, Jessie and James discover themselves in the same identify, at a dissimilar entrance. They bound down to Ash and company, landing with a crash. Regirock and Registeel found them. Lucario points a way, across one of the blue pillars that run similar a span to another exit higher up. Lucario at the end of the line finds the three Regis on their tail. He fires an Aura Sphere at the bridge'south middle, destroying it before they take a chance to cross.

As Jessie and James run up ahead, a red hulk comes from the other side of the tunnel later on them. It turns into a Cradily shape and swallows up Jessie. James tries to save her by sending out Cacnea, using Pivot Missile, every bit the rest of the group appears backside him. Notwithstanding, Jessie is eventually swallowed up. Some other hulk takes James, who and then sends out Chimecho, telling it to salvage itself. The residual of the gang comes into view and sees the stranded Pokémon.

One more red blob, this time in the shape of an Aerodactyl, comes after them, but Lucario destroys information technology with his Aura Sphere. The gang is chop-chop on the run again, and Cacnea and Chimecho are left standing deplorable and confused over what happened to their Trainers. Presently the ruddy blobs approach from behind. The others try to find some other fashion to get by them. I of them makes it through and well-nigh catches Kidd, but Lucario gets in the mode. The hulk takes Lucario, but shortly dissolves itself as the Tree does non consider Pokémon hostile.

The group soon discovers two Regis in one case once more on their tails. As they run, they find a room with two tunnels. The group decides to split and run across up later. Brock, May, Kidd caput downward the correct tunnel, and when Ash asks if Lucario is following, he says he won't leave until Ash finds Pikachu, knowing Ash would do the same for him. Ash thanks Lucario earlier sending out Grovyle and Corphish, using their attacks to ho-hum the Regis down briefly before heading down the other tunnel.

Pikachu meanwhile continues using his senses to wait for Ash, followed by Mew and a very tired Meowth. Every bit they brainstorm to travel through another tunnel, three red blobs caput past them, causing Meowth to wonder what they are. Those red blobs eventually reach Kidd'due south group, this fourth dimension starting time taking Max, so Brock. Not wanting his Pokémon to go down with him, Brock releases Forretress and Mudkip. May tries in vain to salve her brother, who eventually disappears, at which bespeak May is defenseless equally well; she releases Combusken, Munchlax and Squirtle before she is gone; Kidd, on the other hand, manages to elude the blobs. Brock'south and May's horrified Pokémon (plus Bonsly) are left backside staring at the places where their trainers disappeared.

Lucario and Ash manage to lose the Regis, only they come up to a huge cleft with crystal pillars coming out from side to side. Not only is it a long way down, only stiff gusts of wind blow from time to fourth dimension. On the other side, Pikachu comes out from another tunnel (with Mew and Meowth still in the tunnel). Ash, happy to run into Pikachu, runs out on the pillars while Pikachu does the same. Pikachu has no problem hopping from colonnade to pillar in the wind, but Ash occasionally slips. He continues on when the wind gets too strong. Both he and Pikachu meet in the middle, where they jump to meet, though they soon fall. In the nick of time, Kidd uses her grappling claw to swing across and grab Ash and Pikachu, landing at the tunnel archway where Lucario is standing. Ash and Pikachu are finally reunited, and he introduces his partner to Lucario, who is now first to truly understand the deeper relationship that is possible between humans and Pokémon. Grovyle and Corphish appear, and then Mew shows upwards with Ash'southward lid and Meowth appears climbing down the pillars. Now the group needs to escape the Tree so travel every bit a group downwards the adjacent tunnel.

While going through the tunnels, Ash asks what happened to the others. Kidd doesn't respond at start, making Ash realize that they were taken by the blobs. Kidd confirms this when they spot 2 more cherry-red blobs up the path, and Meowth is upset when told that Jessie and James have also been consumed by them. They apace find a branch off to another tunnel but the blobs continue right behind them. The grouping comes to a room with large crystal formations. Lucario goes on alee simply is ambushed by Registeel and Regirock. Registeel grabs him, giving the red blobs a risk to capture Kidd and Ash, which is what is intended. As Kidd gets "eaten", she releases both her Weavile from their Poké Balls. Lucario desperately tries to free himself merely is stunned past Registeel. Ash releases Phanpy and Swellow and tells Pikachu to look after the others. Pikachu, desperate to salvage Ash, grabs onto his hand and is assisted by Grovyle and Phanpy with Corphish and Swellow watching and supporting them to save Ash. Lucario manages to free himself from Registeel's grip and hurries to assist, merely it is too late: Ash is gone as the blob slips into the ground, and the crystals turn blue again. Ash's Pokémon, devastated past their loss, begin to cry. Lucario watches this, actualization hurt as well.

Mew sees how upset Pikachu is from losing Ash and flies upward, touching a crystal. It begins to glow green, as well as every crystal in the area. Soon the blobs, now green, form up into mounds and dissolve away, leaving their victims behind, alive and well, simply where they had been taken. Every bit Ash is also released from the blob, Pikachu jumps into his arms and is rapidly followed by Phanpy and Corphish with Grovyle and Swellow watching equally all are overjoyed to have him back. The Regis walk off, non seeing them as a threat anymore. Meowth tells Ash that Mew communicated to the Tree and was able to convince information technology the humans were not a threat. Ash thanks Mew for saving them as Mew tries to return Ash's hat, but information technology drops the hat and floats down - beingness defenseless by Kidd - and is now very weak.

Of a sudden, all of the crystals turn red. While Meowth hears James'due south voice nearby and hurries off unnoticed, Kidd's boss says that the tree's allowed organisation has gone into shock and the entire Tree has become unstable. Kidd tells Ash that Mew and the Tree are connected and if the Tree is destroyed, Mew volition certainly die. The crystals begin to blacken and crumble and parts of the ground collapse. Ash returns his Pokémon to their Poké Assurance and, with no time to lose, Mew signals and leads the grouping to the core room.

In this room, Lucario looks to the side and notices that in that location is a crystal formation with Sir Aaron's body inside it. Lucario does not understand why Aaron is here simply sees his gloves nearby. Ash finds a Time Blossom next to the core and runs up to it to actuate it. When the pod opens up, it displays the scene as Aaron comes in. Ho-Oh too comes in, revealing itself to be Mew. They watch as Aaron begins delivering his Aura, the only energy that would suffice, to Mew. Mew stores the power and once enough has been stored, goes to the cadre to begin the Tree's restoration. In the end, they encounter Aaron stumble and fall and the scene ends.

Lucario realizes that Sir Aaron did non carelessness the kingdom, simply sacrificed himself to save it and that he is truly the hero everyone believes him to be. Lucario is filled with guilt for doubting his principal but realizes that the ability of the Aura can restore the Tree. Lucario, seeing how he can utilize the Aura that Aaron tin can, declares he will be the 1 to do it. Lucario goes up to Mew and begins transferring energy, but is soon pulled back. He realizes he is not potent enough yet to deliver the energy needed. Ash remembers that Lucario mentioned he had the same Aureola as Sir Aaron and can command information technology as well. He puts on Aaron'due south gloves, which help to channel the energy. Kidd tries to stop Ash, telling him he would exist sacrificing himself, but Ash explains that if he doesn't help, the Tree (every bit well as Mew and all the other Pokémon living in it) would die. Both Lucario and Ash begin channeling energy into Mew. As time passes and they channel more energy, it begins to strain them. Lucario looks at Ash and, at the last possible moment, pushes Ash out of the way, telling him he'll take information technology from there. The energy channeling completes and Mew swiftly moves to the energy core of the Tree, the stored energy releasing a green calorie-free that restores life to the Tree. The crystals plough green and emit bright beams of lite beyond the land as well as in the castle. Down i of the tunnels, Jessie and James note that they've somehow managed to survive, as Meowth finds them and the three friends are happily reunited.

Kidd confers with Banks and finds out that everything is normal. Lucario stumbles down side by side to Aaron'due south crystal, exhausted and in the same condition every bit Aaron when he collapsed. Lucario'southward paw bumps into a Time Flower, activating it. This i shows Aaron sitting there, saying his last words. He tells Lucario that he merely sealed him upward because he knew Lucario would follow him no matter what otherwise. He also says that Lucario was not his servant, but his partner and friend. Lucario sobs a flake and smiles, agreement now Sir Aaron'southward sacrifice and apologizes for failing him, just Ash assures him that it isn't true and Lucario has proved himself to be a Truthful Guardian of Aura also. Lucario thank you Ash so starts to disappear. Ash begs him not to die, but Lucario tells Ash its all correct as Sir Aaron is waiting for him as he goes, turning into an orb of free energy that combines with Aaron'south free energy and floats upward to the heaven (at the aforementioned time causing Aaron's crystal to disappear).

Lucario with Ash earlier dying

Brock, May, and Max step exterior to see the Tree is normal again as Kidd and Ash stride outside from a nearby tunnel. Kidd gets in touch with Banks, who tells Kidd that she volition make a fortune from the information she has gathered. Kidd however decides non to publish this adventure and says to continue it a secret, stating that the Tree would exist ruined by tourists, and Banks reluctantly agrees as everyone else sadly ponder Lucario's cede. Ash, knowing that he will never forget his friend or the relationship that is possible betwixt humans and Pokémon, states that Lucario's aureola is with him.

During the credits, they detect out the tapestry in the castle showing Aaron belongings up his scepter has inverse; it now includes Lucario, Aaron'southward partner, and friend, standing abreast him. Ash and company accept a cable car downwardly. Along the way they come across Kidd waving from her Humvee earlier leaving. Bonsly remains with Mew at the Tree of Beginning, both of them thrilled to have found a friend. Ash and friends travel in the town below the castle while Team Rocket floats overhead, seemingly plotting some other capture of Pikachu, only Wobbuffet knocks Meowth out of the balloon by blow, causing Meowth to cling to the lesser of the balloon. In what would appear to be the afterlife, Aaron and Lucario are shown standing together. Aaron takes a bite of something and reacts positively; a closeup reveals a bar of chocolate like the one Max shared with Lucario earlier. Ash and his friends travel towards a span and the next city, standing their Pokémon journeys together.

Major events

  • Ash is revealed to be capable of using Aura.
For a list of all major events in the anime, please see the timeline of events.



Pokémon debuts





Guide the wave of a large hit!
Back row, from left: Kōichi Yamadera, Becky, Momoko Kikuchi, Pikachu, Kumiko Okae, Rica Matsumoto, Kunihiko Yuyama, Lucario
Front end row, from left: Akihiro Nishino, Yūta Kajiwara

Ash Veronica Taylor Satoshi Rica Matsumoto サトシ 松本梨香
Pikachu Ikue Ohtani Pikachu Ikue Ohtani ピカチュウ 大谷育江
Brock Eric Stuart Takeshi Yūji Ueda タケシ うえだ ゆうじ
May Veronica Taylor Haruka KAORI. ハルカ KAORI.
Max Amy Birnbaum Masato Fushigi Yamada マサト 山田ふしぎ
Jessie Rachael Lillis Musashi Megumi Hayashibara ムサシ 林原めぐみ
James Eric Stuart Kojirō Shin-ichiro Miki コジロウ 三木眞一郎
Meowth Maddie Blaustein Nyarth Inuko Inuyama ニャース 犬山イヌコ
Munchlax Darren Dunstan Gonbe Chie Satō ゴンベ 佐藤智慧
Combusken Darren Dunstan Wakasyamo Chinami Nishimura ワカシャモ 西村ちなみ
Corphish Maddie Blaustein Heigani Katsuyuki Konishi ヘイガニ 小西克幸
Squirtle Eric Stuart Zenigame Tomoe Hanba ゼニガメ 半場友恵
Chimecho Bella Hudson Chirean Natsuki Yoshihara チリーン 吉原ナツキ
Narration Mike Pollock Narration Unshō Ishizuka ナレーション 石塚運昇
Special appearances by
Aaron Jason Griffith Aaron Kōichi Yamadera アーロン 山寺宏一
Jenny Suzanne Goldish Jenny Kumiko Okae ジェニー 岡江久美子
Rin Bella Hudson Rene Momoko Kikuchi リーン/アイリーン 菊池桃子
Ilene Bella Hudson Irene Momoko Kikuchi リーン/アイリーン 菊池桃子
Kidd Rebecca Soler Kid Becky キッド・サマーズ ベッキー
Freddy Darren Dunstan Freddy Akihiro Nishino フレディ 西野亮廣
Lucario Sean Schemmel Lucario Daisuke Namikawa ルカリオ 浪川大輔
Mew Satomi Koorogi Mew Satomi Koorogi ミュウ こおろぎ さとみ
Banks Pete Zarustica Banks Takeshi Aono バンクス 青野 武
Female parent Bella Hudson Mother Noriko Hidaka 母親 日髙のり子
Houndoom Kōichi Sakaguchi Hellgar Kōichi Sakaguchi ヘルガー 坂口候一
Mime Jr. Kayzie Rogers Manene Miyako Itō マネネ 伊東みやこ
Weavile Eric Stuart Manyula Daisuke Sakaguchi マニューラ 阪口大助
Weavile Eric Stuart Manyula Jun Fukushima マニューラ 福島 潤
Regirock Eiji Miyashita Regirock Eiji Miyashita レジロック 宮下栄治
Registeel Atsushi Kakehashi Registeel Atsushi Kakehashi レジスチル 梯 篤司
Regice Kunihiro Kawamoto Regice Kunihiro Kawamoto レジアイス 河本邦弘
Bonsly Eric Stuart Usohachi Yūta Kajiwara ウソハチ 梶原雄太


Created by
  • 田尻 智
  • 増田順一
  • 杉森 建
Production supervisor
  • 石原恒和
Animation supervisor
  • Yōichi Kotabe
  • 小田部羊一
Executive producers
  • Masakazu Kubo
  • Hiroaki Tsuru
  • 久保雅一
  • 鶴 宏明
  • Chōji Yoshikawa
  • Yukako Matsusako
  • Jun'ya Okamoto
  • Takemoto Mori
  • 吉川兆二
  • 松迫由香子
  • 岡本順哉
  • 盛 武源
Animation producers
  • Toshiaki Okuno
  • Shūkichi Kanda
  • 奥野敏聡
  • 神田修吉
  • Hideki Sonoda
  • 園田英樹
  • 湯山邦彦
  • 木村 哲
  • 増井壮一
  • 浅田裕二
  • 宮尾佳和
Assistant directors
  • Yūji Asada
  • Hiroaki Yoshikawa
  • Yumi Kamakura
  • Masahiko Watanabe
  • Masakatsu Iijima
  • Naohito Takahashi
  • 浅田裕二
  • 吉川博明
  • 鎌倉由実
  • 渡辺正彦
  • 飯島正勝
  • 高橋ナオヒト
Assistant director associate
  • Yoshimobu Tokumoto
  • 徳本善信
Graphic symbol staging
  • 松島賢二
  • 西野弘二
Staging assistance
  • GAME FREAK inc.
  • The Pokémon Visitor
  • GAME FREAK inc.
  • The Pokémon Company
Graphic symbol pattern
  • 毛利和昭
  • 松原徳弘
  • 一石小百合
Executive animation manager
  • Kazuaki Mōri
  • 毛利和昭
Assistant executive animation directors
  • Tokuhiro Matsubara
  • Kazumi Satō
  • Taguchi Kōichi
  • 松原徳弘
  • 佐藤和巳
  • 田口広一
Animation directors
  • Yūko Inoue
  • Masahiro Aizawa
  • Senri Ikehara
  • Takuya Matsumoto
  • Takayuki Shimura
  • Mika Takahashi
  • Katsunori Kimizuka
  • Kunihiko Natsume
  • Akihiro Tamagawa
  • 井ノ上ユウ子
  • 相沢昌弘
  • 池平千里
  • 松本卓也
  • 志村隆行
  • 高橋美香
  • 君塚勝教
  • 夏目久仁彦
  • 玉川明洋
Color keys
  • Miyuki Satō
  • Noriyuki Yoshino
  • 佐藤美由紀
  • 吉野記通
  • Takako Uemura
  • Mizue Ueda
  • 上村貴子
  • 上田みず恵
Art supervisor
  • Katsuyoshi Kanemura
  • 金村勝義
Art director
  • Masatoshi Mutō
  • 武藤正敏
Director of photography
  • Takaya Mizutani
  • 水谷貴哉
  • OLM Digital
  • OLM Digital
CGI director
  • Makoto Satō
  • 佐藤 誠
Trip the light fantastic toe scene aid
  • Misato Matsuoka
  • Ayaka Chimura
  • Mitsugu Kawasaki
  • 松岡美里
  • 千村彩花
  • 川崎美嗣
  • Toshio Henmi
  • 辺見俊夫
Editorial assistants
  • Daisuke Imai
  • Yoshiki Ushiroda
  • ジェイ・フィルム
  • 今井大介
  • 後田良樹
  • Shinji Miyazaki
  • 宮崎慎二
Music producers
  • Kazuo Shinohara
  • Yūji Saitō
  • 篠原一雄
  • 齋藤裕二
Sound recording mixer
  • Jūji Nakamura
  • 中村充時
Original score (partial)
  • 一之瀬 剛
  • 青木森一
Sound director
  • Masafumi Mima
  • 三間雅文
Recording studio
  • Aoi Studio
  • アオイスタジオ
Audio production
  • One-half H・P STUDIO
  • 小学館プロダクション
Animation production
  • OLM Team Koitabashi
  • OLM Team Koitabashi
  • Kunihiko Yuyama
  • 湯山邦彦


Master article: Mew and the Moving ridge-Guiding Hero: Lucario Music Drove

Manga adaptations

Master article: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (manga)
Master article: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (Emiko Yoshino brusque manga)



By Pokemon
This video is not available on Bulbapedia; instead, y'all tin can watch the video on YouTube here.



  • During the introduction, where Ash was nearly to employ Phanpy for a boxing, the Poké Ball's push is large in appearance.
  • In the English dub, when Mew transforms into Ho-Oh, it uses Pidgeot'south voice.

Dub edits

  • In the English dub, when Ash asks Lucario if he would await for a lost friend, Lucario responds by saying it doesn't have friends and doesn't want any. In the original Japanese version, Lucario says the reason he went with Ash is because Queen Ilene asked it to.
  • In the English dub, when talking well-nigh Aura, Max asks if Brock tin show him what it looks like, and Brock says that it is probably supposed to be invisible. In the original Japanese version, Max asks if he has "hadou" equally well, while Brock says that it tin can also be known every bit Aura.
  • In the English dub, Brock says that Sir Aaron wasn't a hero and that he wasn't even effectually when the war broke out in ancient times, and Max deduces Sir Aaron must accept abandoned Lucario. In the original Japanese version, Brock wonders if what Lucario said about existence abandoned is true, and Max suggests that Sir Aaron sealed Lucario in the staff to relieve information technology.
  • In the English dub, during the last vision of the past, Lucario says that information technology would have followed Sir Aaron to help out if it wasn't sealed in the staff. In the original Japanese version, Lucario merely says that it forgives Sir Aaron.

Box part functioning

Source: goo 映画

The general screening of Mew and the Wave Hero: Lucario ran for 6 weeks from July 16 to August 26, 2005.

The movie had grossed four.11 billion yen past September 2005, and the last figure was four.3 billion yen (US$36.iv million), placing it 2d in Japan in 2005 simply to Hayao Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle .

In other languages

Related manufactures

External links


Pokémon movies
Original serial
Mewtwo Strikes Dorsum The Power of One Spell of the Unown: Entei Celebi: The Voice of the Forest Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias
Pokémon the Series: Cherry and Sapphire
Jirachi: Wish Maker Destiny Deoxys Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
The Rising of Darkrai Giratina and the Heaven Warrior Arceus and the Jewel of Life Zoroark: Master of Illusions
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
White—Victini and Zekrom / Black—Victini and Reshiram Kyurem VS. The Sword of Justice Genesect and the Legend Awakened
Pokémon the Serial: XY
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction Hoopa and the Disharmonism of Ages Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pokémon the Serial: Sun & Moon
I Choose You! The Power of Us Mewtwo Strikes Back—Development
Pokémon Journeys: The Series
Secrets of the Jungle

Anime Characters Protector Android Blob Red Suit Figurine Toy Gullom




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